Comments on my ePortfolio
Hi! This is where you can type comments, suggestions, concerns, or questions you have about my ePortfolio. All you have to do to leave me a comment is:: *Read this post *Click on the link below that says 'Post A Comment' *Type your comment in the text window *Tell me your name by clicking 'Other' and typing your name in *Click 'Publish Your Comment' *You're done! Thank you so much for looking at my ePortfolio. If you would like to know go back to my ePortfolio, click here or you can go back to the other window you were just viewing. Also, since you are now looking at a blog post on my Honors Seminar about ePortfolios blog, if you want to check it out you can click here. Feel free to email me if you have any questions at cassie[at]dara-abrams[dot]com.
I really liked the idea of the eportfolio. In particular I liked the 'about me' part because that anchors everything else and puts it in perspective.
I have two suggestions: (1) spiff up the Overview by making each topic a live link and (2) use more pictures!
Great job!
Hi Cassie,
Your e-portfolio looks great. I like how you've organized the different sections and given it all a nice introduction. You've got all sorts of neat accomplishments and activities to list. Would you maybe want to also include a little bit about the challenges you are facing? I certainly remember being frustrated with the lack of structured social opportunities at Foothill, and I know you are missing those types of things too.
But you've already put together a very nice e-portfolio and really don't need to add much more, even if I know you want to make it gigantic and perfect. You can add more in the future, right?
Hi Cassie,
I enjoyed reading your ePortfolio. It was a good way to get to know you better. The site is well laid out and easy to read. I have a few suggestions:
On the "Overview of My ePortfolio" page it would be nice if the bolded titles in the boxes would be active links. You have the navigation bar there on the left, but I
found myself wanting to click on the boxes of the main section.
On the "Introduction and About Me page where it says "What DO you do?" ... Seriously, how would I be able to do all of these incredible activities and meet amazing people if I was in high school?
This sentence requires a subjuncitive: .... if I were in high school (see - a great grammar and style guide).
On the "At Foothill: In the Classroom" page the movie link gave me a page not found.
The tool Inspiration sounds really great!
Cluster, Final Draft of Subculture Essay
Honors Institute letter ...
- I would prefer if they were .pdf which would open in my browser - I don't like downloads.
I'm looking forward to reading the Around the World, Town and Home sections!
My aunt emailed me with these comments:
So, I don't know a whole lot about eportfolio's or even blogs but that's probably because I don't know anyone with a blog (now i know you have one)and haven't taken the time to find one(s) where the topics of my interest reside. However, now I know that I WANT to find one and now I even WANT my own eportfolio. I digress....
In the eportfoliio, can you have more "click to" places? I did a lot of scrolling,scrolling, scrolling... in "in the classroom " but maybe that's because my computer screen is not large, just normal. Can you make each class a button to click on?
Topically it's great. I can see how this will grow with you. I wonder, do you carry your laptop around with you and use it "almost always" as a pimary tool and communication tool/link? Is it on in every class? Something I imagine students of your generation do. So then, this portfolio is part of your identity and, like I reflected, will grow with you. I imagine you some day in the future compacting the whole thing into a link called "2006, Free2beCassie", and carrying on with your current doings and learnings which will then be the "Main Page", with a link to your blog and so many more places by then.
Thank you for sharing this with me. I'll come back later this week and take another look and hopefully be able to keep in touch with you this way. I'm gonig to retire from my job on May 1 so I'll have a lot more time to make my own blog or web pages or at least talk to you by email.
Let me know if you need more feedback re the eportfolio. I"m going back to see if there's a place on it for my signature.
Love, Aunt Sue
Great work, Cassie!
Thanks for asking me to review your e-portfolio! I really like the organization of your e-portfolio into topics that make sense. I think your e-portfolio site map will help people understand the organization of your e-portfolio.
Your conversational tone of voice invites the reader to learn more about your education and your learning process. I also like the way you've integrated images and photos into the explanations of your learning experiences.
I like the way you have integrated your reflections on your learning process into your e-portfolio, particularly in the section entitled: At Foothill: In the Classroom. I think it's important to continually reflect on your learning experiences, and I can see that you are using both your blog and your e-portfolio to do some ongoing reflection and personal assessment, which I believe will serve to deepen your learning.
I can see that you have really learned a lot from this seminar!
Lots of love,
Cassie --
A good first cut at organization. It'll be interesting to see how the logical structure of your eP evolves over time. Too bad that KEEP doesn't give you more flexibility
Fighting with layout, font, color etc. issues is probably not what the course is about - not to mention dealing with imagery and video access on other sites.
Anyway, a really good start on your ePortfolio. I hope that you can save it somewhere on one of our systems; KEEP may not always be there and you, even now, have a lot of work invested in it.
Your ePortfolio shows your creativity, intelligence and sense of humor. what a wonderful way to learn about your education and philosophy. I loved the whole thing! especially your use of photos, images and color. You are living up to your quote by Jane Goodall. I would like to see a photo on the overview page. Your ePortfolio shows integrity for making the world a better place. Peace, Catherine
Wow Cassie I'm blown away. Your eportfolio itself is as unique as its contents, and everything is presented in an extremely professional, eas-to-follow format. I'm totally impressed. The map you've added looks awesome, and the portfolio is very interactive. You should start up a business making ePortfolios for people =). Had fun chatting with you through our comments this quarter, maybe we'll meet for real someday. Anyway very nice ePortfolio.
My aunt, Liz, emailed me with her comments::
I am particularly taken with the organization of the site, how easy it is to follow. I love the way you introduce yourself and your ambitions and interests. I like the tone when you talk about high school, how you don't judge others for liking it but talk also about why Foothill fits for you. I liked the link to your English paper on the Girl Scout Awards project and that paper itself I though was particularly lucid and interesting and well written.
I LOVED the part in your self intro where you started with all the questions you get from others. I thought those bits of "overheard dialogue" were a REALLY effective way of pulling the reader into your world and the feelings of being a 16 year old who is living somewhat differently from expectation. It was a way of communicating a bunch without saying a lot of explanation-- BRAVO. I also think the fact that there is some humor in there both strengthens and softens the message, making it easier and more compelling for the audience to "hear" the point you're making.
There is a huge amount on this site. I didn't get to read all of it in depth. I do think it's easy to navigate. I also think the addition of one of your films will be good to break up some of the text intensiveness. I do like the maps in the Around the World section and like the photos and graphics. I think this is a site to be read in pieces, not all at once.
Your portfolio shows your range of talents, interests and abilities. I hope you're proud of it.
One of my friends, Matthew, emailed me some of his comments on March 26, 2006::
It looks really good, and you can tell you put a lot of time into it and effort too. It's very colorful and very presentable, and I'm sure your teacher will be impressed (or should be).
I didn't read all the stuff on your blog, but it looks very detailed
and meticulously compiled. I really liked it.
Malte Dreyer, my mom's co-worker, emailed me with his comments on my ePortfolio::
Dear Cassie,
sorry for taking so long to answer..
You really made up a nice eportfolio. It is full of information, thoughts and own ideas, so one gets the picture of you as a person better. To perhaps improve I found two points:
1- Better Stakeholder addressing (Who might look at this for which reason
These reasons should be addressed, so that they find it fast)
2- Overview and Directory, so that people get an overview about all the
documents and areas and get navigate to interesting sections easily.
Benay already said, that you wished to include some of the mentioned
items, but that KEEP didn't offer enough features for all your ideas.
Anyway.. Thanks for sending me the link.. A very nice piece of work.
Did you write all those texts just for this purpose or could you take
them out of the box?
Hi Cassie,
I'm sitting just a few feet from you, but I'll still post a quickie comment for you--it's unfortunately sometimes easier to continue staring at the screen and twitching at the keyboard, right?
Your updated e-portfolio looks great. I especially like seeing the photos from Women's History Month and also the list of all the events you were involved in. Sounds like a lot! And on top of everything you already have up there, it adds up to quite an impressive collection of activities!
Hi Cassie,
What a comprehensive and complete eportfolio!
I would have visited it earlier but your new blog doesn't list it as a link and I wasn't sure where else to look until you posted on the assignment blog.
As I think you know, your ePortfolio has been my personal reference guide - so thank you. I like that you are updating it - kind of proves Scott's point that it will be a useful tool on an ongoing basis. I think your work on Women's History Month was impressive. Congratulations! And I appreciate all of your help this quarter - you have been an effective TA.
Hola! I really like your e-portfolio! I think the part I liked most was the travelling part, since I too love to travel! I don't think I've been to nearly as many places as you, but your pictures are really cool. I'm glad you're updating it, because I noticed you didn't have Kyoto up there yet! Anyways, since you have experience in this area, hit me up and give me feedback on mine, ha!
Cassie -
I love the addition with Women's History Month - it really fits in with your whole leadership theme. I also think you did a great job of organizing Women's History Month in general. Although I couldn't make it to a lot of the events, I bet they were great. You did such a great job of covering your whole life on your e-p! Great working with you this quarter.
Wonderful blog.
Nice Article.
gWPcRi Hello all!
Thanks to author.
My name is Kathleen Yancey, and I'm also intrigued by your eportfolio. I am giving a talk on eportfolios, and I'd like to point people to your so that they can see how someone can bring various parts of their life together. Would that be ok?
Also, what are you doing now?
kathleen yancey
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