Monday, February 13, 2006

Testing out 'Moblogging'

I looked at the blogger service called 'moblogging' for blogging from your cell phone awhile ago and Scott just reminded me of it in my annoyed post about how it's really hard to keep up a blog. So, I've tried it out as you can see in a couple of the previous posts. I'm not that great at thumb-typing but I think I can get the hang of it.. but my thumb starting hurting after only one sentence and I have to think long and hard about which key to press and how many times to press it to get to the letter I want. I found some neat links on the webpage about moblogging. I'll add them to my links column on the left of my blog as well as to my '' site. If you haven't heard about, you should know now. It's a pretty neat idea.. it's a social bookmarking website. A user has their own website with all of the links they have bookmarked or 'tagged' and everyone can see their links. The 'social' part of this comes in when you can see how many other people have 'tagged' the same website as you have. I found this random computer sand game and I bookmarked it on my site and I found out that like 2,000 other people have bookmarked it already! It's neat to find out that the internet isn't just some billion million number of random websites that you only know of.. there are other people out there who find neat websites too! But back to the moblogging... I found these two sites that can be found under the 'blog links' part of the left column here and can be found on my site (which is also in the left column and it is HERE) that look pretty neat. I'm going to also try out audio blogging and see how that goes, I can definitely talk faster than I can thumb-type.


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